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Top Youtube channels

rankYoutubersubscribersvideo viewsvideo countcategorystarted
1 Mufti MenkMufti Menk 5,580,000 601,050,438 4,883 Entertainment 2010
2 Jah PrayzahJah Prayzah 716,000 277,444,519 217 Music 2011
3 iTAP MediaiTAP Media 947,000 222,469,696 285 Entertainment 2012
4 King GryphKing Gryph 319,000 108,652,503 720 Gaming 2012
5 The Closure DNA ShowThe Closure DNA Show 305,000 94,211,490 1,157 2015
6 Holy TenHoly Ten 264,000 76,313,566 125 Music 2016
7 Minister Michael MahendereMinister Michael Mahendere 230,000 75,354,037 110 Music 2012
8 NAXO FILMSNAXO FILMS 146,000 57,741,327 313 Entertainment 2015
9 Comic PastorComic Pastor 193,000 45,199,581 814 Comedy 2012
10 Gemini Blessed TVGemini Blessed TV 372,000 44,630,865 170 Entertainment 2018
11 Drewmas MediaDrewmas Media 229,000 43,822,401 1,194 Entertainment 2019
12 CHRIST TVCHRIST TV 263,000 39,773,667 1,304 Nonprofits & Activism 2014
13 Fetboy SlimFetboy Slim 43,900 39,469,315 611 Music 2010
14 Divine Kingdom TV - DiakoneoDivine Kingdom TV - Diakoneo 221,000 38,943,474 3,366 People & Blogs 2015
15 Zimcelebs TvZimcelebs Tv 181,000 38,467,138 152 Music 2013

Top Youtube channels - detail stats

rankYoutubersubscribers/yearVideo views/YearVideo count/Year
1 Mufti MenkMufti Menk 398,571 42,932,174 348
2 Jah PrayzahJah Prayzah 55,076 21,341,886 16
3 iTAP MediaiTAP Media 78,916 18,539,141 23
4 King GryphKing Gryph 26,583 9,054,375 60
5 The Closure DNA ShowThe Closure DNA Show 33,888 10,467,943 128
6 Holy TenHoly Ten 33,000 9,539,195 15
7 Minister Michael MahendereMinister Michael Mahendere 19,166 6,279,503 9
8 NAXO FILMSNAXO FILMS 16,222 6,415,703 34
9 Comic PastorComic Pastor 16,083 3,766,631 67
10 Gemini Blessed TVGemini Blessed TV 62,000 7,438,477 28
11 Drewmas MediaDrewmas Media 45,800 8,764,480 238
12 CHRIST TVCHRIST TV 26,300 3,977,366 130
13 Fetboy SlimFetboy Slim 3,135 2,819,236 43
14 Divine Kingdom TV - DiakoneoDivine Kingdom TV - Diakoneo 24,555 4,327,052 374
15 Zimcelebs TvZimcelebs Tv 16,454 3,497,012 13