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Dagi Bee Dagmara Nicole Ochmanczyk
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Influencer
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Dagi Bee net worth

$ 402K - $ 2.41M *

Dagi Bee income

$ 172
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 1.4K
last 30 days
$ 1.79K
last 90 days

Dagi Bee has achieved significant success as a YouTuber and influencer, which has contributed to her net worth. Through brand collaborations, sponsored content, and her own merchandise, she has been able to monetize her online presence effectively. Additionally, she has ventured into other business endeavors, including launching her own beauty products and a clothing line. These endeavors have further boosted her income and contributed to her overall net worth. While the exact figure of her net worth is not publicly disclosed, it is estimated to be in the millions.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Dagi Bee estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 737
March 2024$ 126
February 2024$ 361
January 2024$ 297
December 2023$ 947
November 2023$ 576
October 2023$ 1.04K
July 2023$ 278
June 2023$ 411
May 2023$ 351
April 2023$ 356
March 2023$ 513
February 2023$ 495
January 2023$ 453
December 2022$ 596
November 2022$ 935
October 2022$ 1.08K
September 2022$ 734
August 2022$ 1.12K
July 2022$ 883
June 2022$ 1.42K
May 2022$ 1.43K

Dagi Bee Frequently Asked Questions

When did Dagi Bee start her YouTube channel?

Dagi Bee started her YouTube channel in 2012.

What type of content does Dagi Bee create?

Dagi Bee creates lifestyle, beauty, and fashion content on her YouTube channel.

How did Dagi Bee become popular?

Dagi Bee became popular through her relatable and entertaining videos.

Does Dagi Bee have her own merchandise?

Yes, Dagi Bee has her own merchandise, including beauty products and a clothing line.

What controversies has Dagi Bee been involved in?

Dagi Bee has faced controversies related to promoting unhealthy body image and unrealistic beauty standards.

What are some famous quotes by Dagi Bee?

Some famous quotes by Dagi Bee include 'Do more of what makes you happy' and 'Love yourself before you can love others.'

What social media platforms is Dagi Bee active on?

Dagi Bee is active on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.