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Canal KondZilla Konrad Cunha Dantas
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Youtuber since
Music video director, Founder of KondZilla Records
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Canal KondZilla net worth

$ 14.3M - $ 85.9M *

Canal KondZilla income

$ 14.3K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 99.1K
last 30 days
$ 418K
last 90 days

Canal KondZilla's net worth is estimated to be in the millions. The success of the channel has been a major contributing factor to KondZilla's financial success. Through his channel and music label, KondZilla has built a lucrative empire in the Brazilian music industry. In addition to his YouTube earnings, KondZilla has also ventured into other business opportunities. He has launched merchandise lines and sponsorships, further increasing his income. KondZilla's net worth continues to grow as he expands his brand and ventures into new projects. His entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to his craft have made him one of the wealthiest YouTubers in Brazil.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Canal KondZilla estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 42.6K
March 2024$ 110K
February 2024$ 210K
January 2024$ 58.6K
December 2023$ 88.9K
November 2023$ -9.71K
October 2023$ 96.2K
July 2023$ -2.47K
June 2023$ -385K
May 2023$ 82.6K
April 2023$ 86.2K
March 2023$ 97.4K
February 2023$ 113K
January 2023$ 105K
December 2022$ 187K
November 2022$ 101K
October 2022$ 120K
September 2022$ 65.1K
August 2022$ 103K
July 2022$ 131K
June 2022$ 108K
May 2022$ 77.8K

Canal KondZilla Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Canal KondZilla?

Canal KondZilla is a Brazilian YouTube channel known for its music videos and entertainment content. It was created and is managed by Konrad Cunha Dantas, also known as KondZilla.

When was Canal KondZilla created?

Canal KondZilla was created on March 21, 2012.

What is Canal KondZilla known for?

Canal KondZilla is known for its music videos and promoting Brazilian artists.

What is KondZilla Records?

KondZilla Records is a music label founded by KondZilla that promotes and supports emerging artists in the Brazilian music industry.

What genres of music are featured on Canal KondZilla?

Canal KondZilla features a mix of funk, rap, and other genres in its music videos.

Is Canal KondZilla involved in any controversies?

Yes, Canal KondZilla has faced controversies regarding the explicit content and lyrical themes in some of its music videos.

Where is Canal KondZilla from?

Canal KondZilla is from Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil.

Does Canal KondZilla have any merchandise?

Yes, Canal KondZilla has merchandise lines associated with the channel and brand.